What is the CMISD Foundation?
As student needs grow, funding for Texas schools decreases. Taxpayers make every effort to provide quality education and basic needs for all children in our state, but what about those special needs that are NOT being met? Teachers have innovative ideas and projects that cannot always be funded through school resources, so the CMISD Education Foundation was started in 2012 to provide financial assistance to help! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit philanthropic organization, we work to improve student learning through district-wide academic initiatives, curriculum material, and an array of programs that meet students' special needs.
How does the Foundation work?
A volunteer Board of Directors, representatives of the community and businesses supportive of Caddo Mills ISD,
raise funds and manage tax deductible gifts from local
businesses and generous citizens for the schools.
Our goal is to provide funding for:
Innovative & creative teaching grants
Student/Teacher Academic Recognition
A permanent endowment fund & endowed scholarship funds.
Thank you for your generous support of students in Caddo Mills!
You can help by donating now or by sharing your intangible gifts of time and service.