Thank you for your investment in improving our public education and the future of Caddo Mills! Your gift provides teachers an opportunity to implement creative ideas and expand their students’ learning without the use of tax dollars, and it excites kids about learning!
Your generosity allows the CMISD Foundation to award grants for innovative programs and creative opportunities that enrich the curriculum while inspiring students and staff! Your tax deductible gifts also support our work to develop supportive relationships between the schools and community to enhance academic opportunities for students ... this inspires every child to excel.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Caddo Mills ISD Education Foundation at no cost to you! Every time you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to the Foundation! The 1st time you go to the site just choose CADDO MILLS ISD EDUCATION FOUNDATION!
Tax Deductible Investment Options:
General donations: cash or pledged donations can be given at any time; such gifts may memorialize or honor family or friends.
Planned giving: wills, trusts, life insurance, and other options may be recommended by your tax or estate planner.
Annual Fund Campaign: activities are planned throughout the year to support the Foundation's programs.
Endowment Fund: contributions may be designated specifically for our endowment fund.
Matched giving: your contributions may be doubled or tripled when matched by your employer - ask them if they will match your gift.
Thank you for your generosity!